Low pass filter audacity
Low pass filter audacity

The program I use for this is a free program called Audacity. Heck, I don't understand half the language of recording which may become evident in my misuse of it in this post! I should point out I am not an audio engineer and I have only the most basic experience doing this sort of stuff.

low pass filter audacity

It may seem convoluted here, but actually it only takes a few seconds once you are used to it, and many of the steps aren't necessary for each recording. So here's a simple and free way to get the recordings vouchered. However, getting recordings as vouchers into the database is a bit more difficult that just uploading a photo from your phone. Furthermore, you can record frog calls from private property which might be otherwise inaccessible for photos.

low pass filter audacity

The reason I think this is important is that unlike entering a photo of a frog in the database, a recording tells you more about the population, i.e.

low pass filter audacity

Thought I would throw together a quick how-to for cleaning up Frog Call recordings for entry into the NAHERP database.

Low pass filter audacity