Next desktop background missing
Next desktop background missing

next desktop background missing

Your entire photo appears, as large as possible without distortion or cropping.

next desktop background missing

Enlarges or reduces the image so that it fills every inch of the desktop without distortion. Using the “Choose a fit” pop-up menu, you can choose any of these options:įill. Unless you’ve gone to the trouble of editing your chosen photo so that it matches the precise dimensions of your screen (1440 × 900 or whatever), it probably isn’t exactly the same size as your screen. No matter which source you use to choose a photo, you have one more issue to deal with. You can right-click the desktop and, from the shortcut menu, choose “Next desktop background.” Once your slideshow background is set up, you don’t have to wait out the waiting period if you get bored. Turn on Shuffle if you’d like the order to be random, and “Allow slideshow when on battery power” if you’re willing to sacrifice a little juice for the gorgeousness. You may never want to open another window, because you’d hate to block the view. Now, at the intervals you specified, your desktop picture changes automatically, smoothly cross-fading among the pictures in your chosen source folder like a slideshow. (If you’re really having trouble staying awake at your PC, you can choose every minute.) Now, from the “Change picture every” pop-up menu, specify when you want your background picture to change: every day, every hour, every five minutes, or whatever. Use the Browse button to find a promising-looking folder full of images. Fortunately, you can choose multiple desktop pictures from the gallery. The novelty of any desktop picture is likely to fade after several months of all-day viewing. That might be your graduation photo, or it might be a still from Frozen the choice is yours. It also offers you a Browse button that displays what’s in your Pictures folder, because it’s more fun to use one of your own pictures on the desktop.

next desktop background missing

Picture starts you off with five luscious nature photos. It’s not a bad idea, actually it’s a little easier to find your icons if they’re not lost among the details of a nature photo (or photos of your nieces and nephews). Solid Color is a palette of simple, solid colors for your desktop background. The Background pop-up menu offers three choices: (The blurbs and links in the right-side column appear only if the window is wide enough.)īackground is Microsoft’s new word for wallpaper (the image that fills your entire desktop background). As you adjust the background and color scheme options, this miniature desktop changes to show how it will look. The Personalization tab of Settings offers a simplified diagram of your desktop.

Next desktop background missing